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iProspect Perspectives: Celebrating Career Milestones and Achievements

blogMarch 8, 2024

This International Women's Day, we're shining a spotlight on the incredible women of iProspect. We've been chatting with some of our fantastic ladies and asking them some thought-provoking questions. 

In this concluding feature, we're exploring Question 3: What are you most proud of in your career?

Don't forget to revisit our other IWD content, where we discuss our hopes for women in the next 5 years and the lessons we wish we had learned earlier in life.

Join us at iProspect as we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women everywhere this International Women's Day!

What are you most proud of in your career?

“Estoy orgullosa de mi crecimiento laboral y de ser una persona confiable y profesional para mis compañeros de trabajo.” Javiera Olivares, SEO Content, iProspect Chile. 

“Being recognized by my colleagues, clients, and partners, and even going beyond to gratefully receive the iProspect Global People Accelerated Award!” Sandra Ngiao, Executive, Media Planning, iProspect Malaysia

“Having the opportunity to make a positive impact on the professional lives of other young talented women.” Laura Flores, Managing Director, iProspect Chile