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Conversation with Rachel Zoe - CEO - Rachel Zoe Inc

newsJune 18, 2019 By Ruth Stubbs

According to the iProspect 2018 Global Client Survey, the biggest challenge in the eyes of marketers for increasing long-term consumer trust in their brand is the lack of agility to quickly evolve their proposition based on consumer response. Rachel Zoe, CEO, Rachel Zoe, Inc., shares with iProspect how she navigates the rise and influence of digital in the fashion and luxury landscape, and why adaptability is key.

How important has it been for you to maintain a digital mindset, and how do you keep the attention of such a digitally-distracted customer base? 

It’s absolutely crucial for me to maintain a digital mindset for my business. The fashion business along with the media business has monumentally changed and will do so for years to come. Staying savvy in the digital world is the highest priority for the longevity of my company. 

Brand experiences are probably the most important in maintaining the loyalty and attention of my customer base. I think with the majority of the world and the younger generation coming up with online shopping, we need to bring people in-store through events and experiences so they can touch and feel and try the product in person. Coming up with new ideas to keep things interesting and continue to engage my audience is a challenge, and one I take very seriously.



We hear more about the role brands and luxury brands are playing in supporting societal causes than ever. What is the role of this mindset in fashion? 

I think it’s important as a brand to stand for something and what you want to mean to people. Stella McCartney’s ethical stance is a good example. Since she launched her brand she has been very vocal of her position and years later now she has really built awareness on sustainability. Which is why certain clients will choose her brand over another based off beliefs. With that said, the majority of shoppers still just buy something if they like it or don’t so we still have a long way to go. 

How do you use social media now that it has completely reshaped how brands interact with consumers? 

You have to adjust with the changes that come with the digital future. For my Instagram accounts, which include Rachel ZoeShopRachelZoe and BoxofStyle, we use swipe up on our Instagram videos and link in bio for the feeds. In addition, we also post links to Facebook and Twitter so my followers on those platforms always know the latest news. 

Rachel Zoe’s Instagram channel

This article is excerpted from Future Focus 2019: Searching for Trust. Download Future Focus 2019 for key insights and success stories on navigating truth and authenticity in 2019.