explido Mitglied YWACN

Am 29.7. launcht Yahoo das Yahoo! Web Analytics Consultant Network. Als eine von drei deutschen Agenturen ist explido WebMarketing von Anfang an dabei. Ziel ist es, Yahoo Kunden beim Einsatz des Tools zu unterstützen und den optimalen Nutzen aus dem Tool zu ziehen.


Appendix: The Official Message as emailed Thanks for your interest in Yahoo! Web Analytics. We’re excited to inform you about the launch of our Yahoo! Web Analytics Consultant Network (YWACN) YWACN is a network of independent third-party analytics specialists who can help provide analytics consulting services. The specialists in the network have been approved by Yahoo! to help our valued customers. The breadth of experience of YWACN members, and their knowledge of Yahoo! Web Analytics, makes them uniquely qualified to provide expert assistance in analytics planning, implementation and usage. Whether you’re a large organization or a small ecommerce merchant, you can expect to benefit from a more intelligent leveraging of analytics with YWACN. The consultants in the network can help increase your qualified website traffic, achieve more conversions and sales, and see a better overall ROI. To learn more about YWACN members, click here. Also, you can look for consultants with the YWACN member emblem.